Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little Christ

It all started three-four years ago when I didn't like to call myself a Christian. Rather, I'd claim the title, Follower of Jesus, or the Way. Later, I realized that I wanted to call myself a Christian because Christian means, "little Christ." If there is anything that I want to be, it is to be like Christ. And to proclaim I am a "little Christ" is a blessing from God.

When I think of "little," I think of a child. All children were once a "little" infant and grew in to being a child, and a "little" child will eventually grow into being an adult. Tis' life, right? I, a "little Christ," am growing to be more like Christ, not growing to be Christ, but growing to be more like Christ. I guess a great thing to do would be to look at Jesus himself and the progression of his life.

Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in a virgin's womb. As believers, we must seek to find life in and through Life on this earth. He was then a manger, while him and his parents were livin' large in a.... stable. After having Life as a part of our lives, we should come to accept who we are in Christ and be thankful for what God has done and is going to do. Next big thing: his childhood and awkward, pubescant teenage life was not recorded in the NT, except for a couple things THAT ARE VITAL for being a "little christ."

Luke 2:48-52 tell of the only record of Jesus' childhood. The first is when Joseph & Mary lost and anxiously searched for Jesus. After finally finding their son, the Messiah, Mary asked Jesus why he has caused their anxiety and frustration. Jesus replied....

""Why were you searching for me?" he asked. Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?""

Jesus could have turned Mary & Joseph in to dust...haha BUT he didn't because he honored his parents and then lovingly replied..."...I had to be in my Father's house..." As a little christ, in order to have life within us, we must spend time in our Father's house.

My current devo book is The Divine Mentor written by Wayne Cordeiro. He told this story about a famous european pianist from the 1900s and his work ethic. He wrote that the pianist would practice scales three hours a day and after being asked why he practiced SCALES three hours a day, he said this powerful statement.

"If I didn't practice my scales one day, I would notice the difference in my playing. If I didn't practice two days, my coach would notice the difference. If I didn't practice three days, the world would notice the difference (paraphrase)."

As little christ's, we are the light to this world. If we don't spend time in the Father's house for a day, we'll see the difference. If we don't spend time in the Father's house for a couple days, our close, loved ones would notice the difference. And three days not being in the Father's house, the entire world would notice the difference.

And lastly, Luke 2:52 records that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and mankind. As Believers, we should be reading our bible, growing in our godly character, and "in favor with God and mankind"

2 Peter 1, after Peter wrote a list of godly characteristics, he wrote that we must make every effort as a little christ to be possess those characteristics. As I finish this, I'll close with what Peter wrote after writing the list of godly characterists...

2Pe 1:8... "For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
