Tuesday, March 23, 2010

LOVE & Love

I was browsing some of my friend's blogs and came upon this dirty hipster musician, Trevor Hall. His style of music is so close to my heart.

If my ear could be married to a style of music, it'd be reggae, Islander music. Better yet, if my ear could be married to anyone, it'd be Trevor Hall.

Anyways, after listening to his lyrics, reading over his lyrics, and then processing his lyrics, my heart started to get broken. Trevor Hall's message is love. Nothing is better than love...nothing at all. But to love without God, isn't love. As I continued to listen to and read over Trevor Hall's lyrics, I became curious if he loved God...loved Love.

I'm not sure if Trevor Hall believes in Love. I know his message is love, but does his passion for love come from the source of love?

There's this deep heart cry within me that wishes the world would come to understand love, know and believe in the source of Love, and then live to love through Love. I want the world to know Love. I want to the world to feel Love. And knowing that the world claims to love, but distorts and ridicules the true message of Love....breaks my heart.

BUT...... it's freakin rad that those who know and love Love are able to love others and that love then reveals Love.

I don't know this brother of mine, Trevor Hall. He's a gifted artist and I have no doubt that his message of love inspires the world. All I hope and pray for is that T.H. loves Love and that his message of love that inspires the world will reveal Love to all!