Monday, August 3, 2009

the enemy is an idiot!!

There's something about the enemy that just makes me laugh. To me, he's an O'Doyle- one of the big kids who likes to pick on those who are weaker than him. As most of you know, I'm getting married in like ten days or something crazy like that. The past month, I've been getting mad attacks from the enemy. Attacks like me getting sick, being impatient with Hanna for no good reason, lustful temptations, or whatever.

I used to struggle hard core with lust, but I'm a free man. I can confidently say to you that in Christ there is freedom and it's by his power we can be set free. So if you're struggling with that, confess, make the decision to fully change, believe, and live in that freedom. It's that simple. Don't over do freedom, just live it. That's a good one! I'm going to keep it.

"Don't over do freedom, just live it."

Anyways, it was a couple weekends ago and I was working the closing shift on Saturday night. FYI, I work Valet at the nearby Casino. Saturday nights are always filled with lonely girls who are masters at getting their acceptance by the wrong crowd.

By the time I got home around 3:10am, I was super tired and was ready to go to bed. That's when lustful temptations started to press on me. I was so tired and when I'm exhausted like I was, I get a bit... emotional, but I think of it more as passionate, if you know what I mean. So, at the top of my lungs, I yelled out at the enemy to stop the temptations in the name of our Savior, but that didn't stop him. So I decided to just sleep it away. Within seconds after turning off the lights in my room, I hear from the Holy Spirit... Romans 12:6. At that moment, I felt in my heart that God has placed ammunition in my heart to defeat the enemy's attacks. I thanked God for speaking in my life and decided to close my eyes and rest. Being the idiot that I am, I decided to read that verse when I woke up. A couple minutes passed and again, I heard from the Holy Spirit, but this time I heard, Romans 6:12. I swear he was confused at first :)

This time was different when God spoke to me. This time He commanded that I'd turn my lamp on and read Romans 6:12. I thought to myself, it's time to listen or I'm never going to sleep. I turned my lamp on, grabbed my bible next to my bed, and flipped open to Romans 6:12. Now keep in mind that this verse isn't one I've intentionally memorized and it's been over a year since I've even read that verse.

I searched for that verse with my chink eyes and read...

"Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? The enemy was trying to spread tares in the perfectly good harvest the Holy Spirit has grown in my heart. I then laughed in the enemy's face because I thought I was the idiot for not reading that verse, but really, he's the big idiot around here.

Can you see it now? Starring on the Big Loser...... Lucy, the enemy! Okay... I'm done now. :)

I love you all and would love to read/hear victory stories that you've experienced! It's so exciting to hear stories of the Lord winning and our enemy getting his can.

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