Friday, January 2, 2009

Our Savior Speaks

To me, hearing God speak is like an Etch A Sketch.

If you are wise, careful, obedient to not shake and "break," you will have a clear result.

If you manipulate the toy, put your own "twists," are not careful with it, your final result will be nothing but a blob of confusion.

God gave me an Etch A Sketch (predicament) about a month ago. He told to me shake away all the blur (pray) to get a blank picture.... Then, I was to carefully hold the Etch A Sketch (be patient and obedient), while He twisted the nobs to create a visual masterpiece. After He finished, I was to show everyone His creation (actively and obediently pursue His message).

March 4th, God "sketched" a masterpiece into my "Etch A Sketch;" my life. He has never spoken so clearly to me.

God provides purpose. God gives grace. Our Savior speaks.

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