Tuesday, January 6, 2009


My heart is in motion.

Complete, yet searching.

Perfectly created with a set of desires/emotions like no other.

Pursuing only God knows what.

My heart constantly turns... empowered with His righteousness... eager for the end...

In pursuit for the end... not for an ending, but for life.

I believe. I follow. I submit.

Broken, I live for Him.

Blessings continue to come.

They come like children skipping in a rain storm;

Consecutive drops drenching every inch of their body.

Trials also arise.

I pray for my guard to always be up

Because the second my guard falls, the enemy will attempt to destroy.

But I do not tremble at the feet of a trial.

For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

My heart is in motion.

Constantly turning...




For as I am made in Christ Jesus, it is in Him that my heart can rest.

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